We are an arts organisation which supports and empowers learning disabled adults to explore, express and celebrate their creativity.



We are an arts organisation which supports and empowers learning disabled adults to explore, express and celebrate their creativity.


Arty Party is an arts organisation working from Telford and Shropshire. We provide training and showcase members’ creative expression through a range of art forms.


Learning disabled artists are supported to express their experience of being in the world through a working partnership with skilled person-centred facilitators who navigate the art-making journey.

The learning disabled artists harness this process by creating their own art and running their own events.

Arty Party listens to the voice of its members, and uses this voice to help shape the direction of the company. Together we listen, learn, facilitate, create, develop, share and celebrate.


  • Ownership: to work with the ideas and views of members and staff to foster ownership and belonging.
  • Honesty: to build honest relationships with members, staff, partners, funders and the community, so we can work together, communicate freely, and feel safe.
  • Empowerment: to develop transferable and specific skills, confidence and self-expression.
  • Learning: to continue to learn together and never believe we know all the answers.
  • Respect: to treat each other fairly, ensuring that our policies and procedures promote a healthy environment.
  • Awareness: to be open-minded, flexible and responsive as individuals and as an organisation.
  • Support: to support members, staff and trustees to develop to their full potential.
  • Courage: to do what feels right, rather than expected – in art and all things Arty Party.
  • Creativity: to create outrageously good art, opportunities, strong role models, partnerships and an organisation to be proud of.


If you would like to become a Member of Arty Party, or find out more about what we do, please contact us on
Tel: 07825 070 368.

We are a Registered Charity (Charity Number: 1142517) and Company Limited by Guarantee (Company Number: 7162495).

We are Arty Party!